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Guardian of the cosmos - Exploring the attributes of Lord Vishnu

Vishnu, mostly accepted as the preserver and guardian of the universe, is prayed to for balance, harmony and peace. With his generous nature and divine attributes, Lord Vishnu embodies the qualities of compassion, righteousness, and stability.

Vishnu is revered as the preserver of the universe, maintaining the order and harmony of the cosmos. As part of the Hindu divine trinity, he represents the prospect of preservation.

His divine presence ensures that the cycle of creation, sustenance and dissolution functions rightly with harmony. Lakshmi being the consort of Vishnu, their union is considered the ideal for success, well-being and stability. This shall inspire us to have gratitude for the energy that maintains harmony in this universe and tend to behave in accordance with this balance and not manipulate otherwise

Along with the power of creation comes the inevitable consequence of receiving criticism, and accepting it as a way of life is one of the attributes characterized by the energy of Vishnu, inspiring us to embrace criticism and trust our creative instincts.

Lord Vishnu’s different forms and avatars promote inclusivity and divine power in different forms, which acted as pioneers of a well-functioning world, one of the most famous ones being Rama and Krishna.

Vishnu is also often portrayed holding a conch shell or as they call it in Sanskrit – Shankha, along with a chakra, that symbolizes his role as a protector, protecting dharma and righteousness. Dharma in the Hindu tradition, are all the ethics and principles that have been laid down to govern human behaviour and actions promoting morality and the energy of Vishnu inspires us to embody these values that enhance the quality of our life

It is this energy of the divine that encourages us to promote peace and well-being and coexist with harmony, and so shall we take inspiration from these attributes that can help us lead ideal lives coupled with compassion, integrity, and fulfilment.

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